Wednesday, September 19, 2012

2012 07.07-09 Jackson Meadows Camping Trip

The lake was low and the deer flies were horrible but we made it. If we hadn't camp there before I would have gone home the flies were that bad. They had the annoying small black ones which weren't so bad but the deer flies were biting us and the welts itched for 2 weeks! We were applying anti-itch cream like it was lotion. The other bummer was we only got to have a campfire the first night. The next day the forest ranger told us there was high danger of fire and we were on the point so it's limited access so no campfires only camp stove w/ permit. We did not take the Malibu but just opted for the fishing boat. We took the Tahoe and Chris' maxima. We got a few bites on the poles - Parker's was the only one that caught a fish - we cooked that evening. The kids got dirty as usual but we all had fun - hopefully next year's trip doesn't have any deer flies.

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