Sunday, September 25, 2011

God Bless the Frank Children | 2011 Sept 24 BAPTISM St. Patrick's Catholic Church

We baptized the kids at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church this past Saturday 9/24/11. We wished everyone was there with us to celebrate. It was fun and exciting. Jim almost sat on Karsen during mass. Karsen almost walked off when we were doing the baptism but we were able to pull her back, thanks to the help of Tito/Uncle Saul and Tita/Aunt Jolie -our Godparents. My arms are sore from carrying the baby girls. After mass, when we were taking pictures with Father Sylvester and Parker was goofing around in the front – he says “I know I baptized & blessed you, but I still see a little devil in you” - we all laughed. Overall, the kids made it through mass & baptism and behaved very well. Jim and I only had to take Karsen & Kennedy outside once each. The kids thought the “pouring of the holy water on their forehead” was interesting. Karsen almost blew her baptism candle out like it was her b-day. Parker says “in the name of the father, the son, and the moley ghost.”

It was a Good Day. Thank you Father Sylvester and Karen Burford. Big Love & Hugs to our God Parents Jolie & Saul Rozema. Parker, Karsen, & Kennedy finally got to spend some Quality Time with Tanner & Avery + Aunta Amanda was with us. Thanks Dad/Lolo Jim for taking us out to Maria's for our Baptism. It fits that that's where Jim proposed to me over chips & salsa and announced our engagement to the Frank Family.

Thank you Aunt Leslie & Jolie for making us the Best Baptism Blankies in the World. Looking for more Memories Together. We're Truly Thankful & Blessed you are our Godparents and thank you for accepting & adopting our whole family :)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

2011 August Celebrations | Karsen turns 2!

August was a good month. Karsen turned 2. My good friend from college Cheryl Palarca got married to Nate Conn in the beautiful island of Kauia, Hawaii. It was also Che's bday so was my Lil Sis Marilyn and her husband Marc + they celebrated their 2 year wedding anniversary. Lots of 2's.

We also went camping @ Englebright. Water was cold. No fish caught. But we had a splendid time. Jim and I completed our baptism classes so we can get the kids baptized this September. Hurray. Thanks to Auntie Jolie & Uncle Saul for being our Godparents.