Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy "Munster" Day!

We went to Sopa Thai for Dia de las Madres.

Parker called his chopsticks "nunchuks" hee yah!

On the way to Nevada City for Lunch with Lola Patt

Parker got a medieval times sword from the LWW TTT garage sale. Funny - one of Jim & I's first date was at a medieval times. Food was okay - but I got to be dubbed "Queen of Love & Beaty" by the Yellow Knight.

Buddah says "Raise the Roof!"

Karsen @ Slim Rob's Party
Parker can't say "mother" so it sounds like "Happy Munster Day" - When I got home this Friday he says - "we have to get u something, we'll get u some balloons, a cake & a tennis racket, I'll tell Lola too!" I'm like "I don't want a tennis racket" but he has it in his head that since Tito Chris, Dad & Parker have tennis rackets that I should have one too. Funny boy - I'd rather get a new Digital SLR camera please :) or an Itouch or a new cellphone but can't afford the darn data plan. We'll see.

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