Monday, December 26, 2011

2011 Dec | Picking the Tree

A Pole for Good Measure...our "Super K" Karsen helping the big bro out with the pole. She liked to run in between the trees trying to play hide-n-seek with her Mama.

Parker: "I want That One!"

TA DAH!!! Our Sugarbush Tree All Decked Out.

We went to Macburnie's Tree Farm in Cedar Ridge. Parker picked this year's. And it turned out great for the corner of our living room.

2011 Oct | Bridgeport Fall Fest

2011 09 10 11 | Kids

2011 October | Happy Halloween!

Trick or Treating in downtown Grass Valley...a nice lunch break from work...we ate @ Toffaneli's.

Karsen caught on video cutting in front of trick or treating line.

We went trick or treating in LWW in the evening. This year was in Thistle Loop.